A Special Webinar for Military and Law Enforcement Active and Retired

March 3, 2018 J Worrall

Are You Tired Of Receiving Only Information With No PTSD Solutions In Sight?

There is already too much redundant information
Dr. Yuen is the only person who will resolve your
PTSD that you will perceive for yourself

To honor my lifetime friend Hon K. Lee, From New York (Manhattan) Chinatown

I will present

A Special Webinar for Military and Law Enforcement Active and Retired
Of course the US Marines whom Hon Lee risked his life to fought a war.

With every purchase of Hon K. Lee’s Book:
(In which he is donating the proceed to Wounded Warriors and Families )

Paths Less Traveled of a Scholar Warrior (Spy) Teacher, Healer

Watch Hon K. Lee speaking about his book

You will be Invited to Dr. Yuen’s Exclusive Webinar, At No Charge.

Just email a copy of your invoice from Amazon.
Dr. Yuen can resolve Everyone’s and Group’s
Physical and Non-physical PTSD
Regardless of Severity
during the webinar

Sounds Too Good to be True?
Experience for yourself!

You can then write a short testimony of your results
to assist Dr. Yuen to wipe out PTSD from everyone who has it!

For more resolutions, not information, enroll by opting in


Date & Time: Monday, April 16th at 6:15 PM Pacific 

Yuen Method has donated and plans to continue to do fundraising for
The Marine Toys For Tots Foundation
Check Out Our Other Fundraising Events
@ Yuenmethod.com

Watch Hon K. Lee short video of his experiences with the Yuen Method
and his comments of Dr. Yuen’s ancient history to making history from this book.


Oh, one last thing, Dr. Yuen will show you and demonstrate Surrogate Improvements for your sons and daughters, any members of your family, friends and anyone without their physical presence. This is for you to experience their improvements with or without their cooperation. This is done to show you can improve the whole human population.

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