[FREE REPLAY] Less Aging: Delete Your Aging Pain and Stress

September 24, 2014 Dr. Kam Yuen DC

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Relationships, Aging and Finances

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If you are not getting results with rejuvenation (sexual, skin, hair, vision, facial, body size reduction), don’t give up on it.

As in singing and playing a game of sport, you have to do it and get coached on it until you get the results you want.

This is the physical, mental and spiritual game of your body and your life.  In Dr. Yuen’s Clinic, he will continually strengthen you over a 5-week period until you become strong to every cell of your body down to your quantum particles, and strong to your overall body structures.


Regeneration, Rejuvenation, Degeneration and Detoxification!

The Total and Complete Less Aging Tele-Clinic!

Aging Pain and Stress Problems That Are Addressed In The Clinic:

  • Fitness: Strength, Endurance, Flexibility, Coordination, Agility, Speed
  • Body Reduction
  • Newer ways to address the collective body increase of weight failures
  • Body strengthening: Lighter, Stronger, Streamlined
  • Change your body quickly, without effort, but with enjoyment and pleasure to perform
  • Over Eating, Food Issues & Cravings:  make these a non-issue
  • Challenges with Sweets, Salts, Fats
  • Strengthening all aging negative experiences in your life so they are no longer in any need of discussion
  • Facial Rejuvenation: Puffy eyes, dark circles under the eyes, as well as nose, mouth, lips, teeth, wrinkles, skin elasticity and loss of collagen
  • Life Quality, Appearance & Longevity
  • Sexual Rejuvenation
  • Hair Rejuvenation: (hair loss, gray hair)
  • Skin Conditions
  • Breast Lift
  • Vision Rejuvenation