Why Enroll in Module 8 on Stress and Mental Illnesses?
“It may be OK for others, but I’m just not that interested”
If that’s what you’re thinking, you’re way off base!
And here’s why:
In one way or another Mental Illnesses affect each one of us.
If You Believe You and Your Family Are Immune,
Let’s Look at Some of the Statistics and Check It Out.
- 46.3% percent of U.S. adults will develop at least one mental illness during their lifetime. (NAMI, 2014) CAN THAT REALLY BE TRUE?
- The number of people suffering from mental illness has now surpassed the number of people suffering from all non-fatal physical illnesses combined, worldwide HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? So says the Global Burden of Disease. (GBD, 2014)
- Anxiety disorders affect 32% of the population. (NIMH, 2014) THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE STRESS
- Depression is increasing by leaps and bounds, with Major Depressive Disorder now being the second leading cause of disability worldwide, but threatening to replace chronic back pain as the leading cause in 2015. (GBD, 2014) ONE MENTAL DISORDER REPLACING THE LEADING CAUSE OF CHRONIC PAIN
- The prevalence of moderate to extreme stress in the U.S. has skyrocketed to an all-time high of 75%. THAT’S THREE OUT OF EVERY FOUR OF US (APA, AIS, 2014)
- OUR CHILDREN 4% of our children aged 4 to 16 years either currently have or have had a serious physical disorder and received treatment while just over 20% either currently have or have had a seriously debilitating mental disorder that has gone un-diagnosed. (NIMH and CDC, 2014) UNBELIEVABLE AND UNACCEPTABLE!
In one way or another you will be personally involved in a mental illness
You may not even recognize you or a loved one has the condition
If the mental illness is diagnosed, medicine has no viable solution
Why Are So Many Mental Illnesses Overlooked?
What’s Really Going on Here?
The Problem: Ignorance and Stigma!
People are unaware that mental illness is running rampant in our modern society and that it affects you and your family whether you are ready for it or not.
Let’s start with the shocking fact that according to the U.S. Surgeon General, 20% of U.S. youth between the ages of 10 and 19 years suffer from an un-diagnosed serious mental illness that causes significant impairment in their day-to-day lives at home, in school, and with peers.
The most common mental disorders during the adolescent years are anxiety and depression. When left untreated, they often lead to drug and alcohol abuse, violence, school failure, involvement in the criminal justice system (50% of the youth in prison suffer at least one major mental illness that developed at an early age and was never diagnosed or treated), the loss of critical developmental years, and suicide.
One reason that undiagnosed mental illness persists could be that there is much misunderstanding surrounding mental health. The presence of mental illness in no way corresponds to a person’s age, intelligence, race or income bracket. Neither is it the result of weak character. Such prejudicial thinking often prevents parents from being willing to acknowledge that their child is experiencing a mental health struggle. The stigma associated with mental illness is also the biggest barrier that prevents adults from seeking treatment or retaining their treatment.
It is estimated that up to 50% of the mentally ill population also has a substance abuse problem, with the incidence of abuse greatest among adolescent boys with undiagnosed mental illnesses and those aged 18-44 years who are not being treated for the underlying mental health issue.This probably relates more to their ignorance of the fact that they are seeking solace from the symptoms of their illness by resorting to the use of drugs and alcohol.
Consider the ignorance regarding mental illness and its association to children with ADHD. Fortunately 70% of youths with ADHD are diagnosed (although it is less fortunate that there is no traditional resolution for the condition). Recent studies reveal over one-half of children living with ADHD suffer from at least one other major mental health condition, most often: (NAMI, 2014)
- Oppositional defiant disorder
- Conduct disorder
- Depression
- Anxiety
Professionals seem ignorant of this fact, since none of these children are being treated for these concurrent conditions.
Finally, it is estimated a mental illness seldom exists as an isolated condition; more often, it is intertwined with one or two other mental illnesses, which are most often overlooked.
The Larger and More Frightening Problem
Mental Illness Is the Most Misunderstood and Misinterpreted Area in Medicine Today
Even when diagnosed:
There is no real resolution for mental illnesses,
Just the staggering side-effects of the medications prescribed,
Which not only fail to resolve the problem,
But just scratch the surface!
When you enroll in Dr. Yuen’s Module 8 Tele-Course, you will experience directly the most unique RESOLVING STRESS and MENTAL ILLNESS METHOD ever devised.
Experience How To Apply The Yuen Method For:
- Quick resolution of any mental illness by deletion
- Resolving mental Illnesses that frequently (48%) do not exist in isolation, but coexist with other mental illnesses. Experience how to recognize, identify and delete the interactions between these duos and trios for total resolution.
- Quick detection and resolution of mental illnesses that develop at an early age – a just released study reveals 10% of one to two year olds have a mental illness – and this number increases for toddlers and adolescents.
- Quick resolution of ADHD, ADD, learning disabilities and their previously unknown interactions with other coexisting mental illnesses (primarily oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, depression and anxiety)
- Resolution of the coexisting conditions of substance abuse and mental illnesses that exist in 50% of people with mental illness
- Deletion of the stigma surrounding mental illness for family members, friends, and for the person directly affected
- Deletion of the LEADING SPECIFICS that affect the mind’s psychotic conditions
- Deletion of the connection between anxiety and depression
- Delete the misunderstandings and misinterpretations regarding mental illness
- Resolution of all life pains from traumas and abuses
- Resolution of psychopathic, sociopathic, psychotic, oppositional-defiant and narcissistic personality disorders
- Resolution of post-traumatic stress disorder
- Resolution of fears and phobias, on the spot
- Resolution of grief, sadness and sorrow preventing the development of depression
- Resolution of bipolar disorder
- Resolution of social phobia (10% of population)
- Resolution of generalized anxiety disorder
- Deletion of negative emotions, reactions and sensations attached to your past, current and future problems, ensuring they no longer impact your daily life
- Deletion, on the spot, for EVERYTHING that affects your own mind as well as the minds of everyone else
No Problem Is Too Large or Too Small – Experience How To:
- Change all violent behaviors
- Delete suicidal tendencies and urges
- Delete devastating depression
- Resolve and delete obsessive compulsive behaviors
Experience How To Achieve Resolution For the Following:
- Schizophrenia
- Autism
- PTSD, brain injury, dementia, and Alzheimer’s
- Kleptomania and pyromania
- Addiction to drugs and alcohol
Learn Real Time Application of Your Physical Intelligence:
- To delete mental and spiritual confusion and disorder
- Delete your past cumulative effects of mental illnesses
- Change your future expectations of the continuum of mental disorders
- Set new standards of achieving immediate clinical and nonclinical results and improvements on the most misunderstood area in medicine and counseling today
- Delete all issues, triggers and choices related to mental and spiritual misinterpretations that frequently lead to incorrect diagnoses
Experience Change and Restorations to Original Humans Design:
- Change your future despite the fact that everyone claims this is an impossibility
- Change the accumulative effects of your past in a matter of seconds
- Create a new future with no mental and physical illnesses
- Experience the newest approach to resolve immediately on the spot, all stress, mental and psychological/psychiatric problems for each and every one of your family members, friends or clients. Achieve notable results in real time within seconds, eliminating the need for long-term therapy or medication
- Set new standards of achieving immediate clinical and nonclinical results and improvements on the most misunderstood area in medicine and counseling today
- Delete all issues, triggers and choices related to mental and spiritual misinterpretations that frequently lead to incorrect diagnoses
This alone will spare families from future unparalleled agony.
You wouldn’t go without life insurance,
health insurance, or insurance on your home.
Now is the time for protection from the mental illness epidemic.
Module eight offers you this insurance. You will need it.
You will recognize mental illness when it strikes you,
your husband or wife, your parents, your children,
your grandchildren, and will be able to safeguard them
by using The New Yuen Method Psychology to delete it.
Take Action Now!
The Solution to the Mental Illness: Enroll Now!
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LIVE! April 2015
Delete On the Spot,
Stress, Anxiety & Mental Illness
Tele-Course /Training Module 8 – For More Information Click Here
5-Week Tele-Clinic – For More Information Click Here
Special Bundle Price:
5-Week Tele-Clinic + 4-Week Training Module 8 – Click Here
(Early Bird Special Ends April 20, 2015)