All NEW!
Yuen Method® Specialty Tele-Courses
Thousands Have This Skill,
But Never Discover How To Use It …
After 30 Years (Three Decades) of Developing and Working With Private Patients on a Day-to-Day Basis, Dr. Yuen Has Discovered the Quickest and Fastest Way to Delete Your Pain and Stress, On The Spot!
Join Our Next Live Yuen Method Specialty Tele-Courses – Where You Will Learn and
Experience How To Strengthen Your Finances, Reduce Weight and Rejuvenate
and Strengthen Yourself and Others To Unconditional Love!
These Three Tele-Courses are the latest new course for those of you who have completed earlier Specialty Training or completed any other Module Training.
* Money/Finances/Career Strength Tele-Course – Details Dr. Yuen’s latest views on the unparalleled benefits of Attracting, Maintaining and Growing Financial/Career Strength and Energy.
* Delete Weight and Rejuvenate On The Spot Tele-Course – Reveals the Yuen Method approach to the most advanced ways to improve one’s body weight and dispels misinterpretations and misinformation on aging, rejuvenation and weight reduction.
* Unconditional Love and Sexual Neutrality Tele-Course – Reveals the Yuen Method Approach to the most misunderstood area in Love, Marriage and Divorce today, painful breakups, resolution and prevention.
Upon completing all three Tele-Courses (Training), you will receive
three credentials toward certification in becoming a Certified Yuen Method Consultant.
Regular Price: $1,500
Tele-Courses (All 3) Bundle Price: $1,000 (SAVE $500)
THREE Tele-Courses Bundle Price – Click Here to Register
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Save Even More! Ultimate Module Training Package
Regular Price: $2,500
All 6 Bundle Price: $1,500 (SAVE $1000):
(6 Course Package) Three LIVE Tele-Courses + Three Training Modules 4-5-6
Relationships/Less-Aging/Finances Career and Life Purpose
SIX Tele-Courses Bundle Price – Click Here to Register
Click Here for All Course Details – Training Modules 4-5-6
It is not about reading a book, or typical learning. Rather, it’s about experiencing results on a tele-call with Dr. Yuen. He will direct your specific deletions as he teaches.
There will be no laborious studies required on your part, which eliminates all that tediousness that traditional learning requires.
Dr. Yuen will strengthen your physical intelligence that provides you the fulfillment of your physical potential in your surrounding physical world.
Allow Dr. Yuen to strengthen your physical receiver (your brain). It should be turned on to receive the KNOWING that is being constantly transmitted. This is what the training is all about!
With This KNOWING, You Will Fly Circles Around Those Who Are Too Mindful and Full of Themselves.
Be NEUTRALLY HAPPY your entire life by taking action and REGISTERING NOW!
Here’s where you can register:
Tele-Course Bundle Price – Click Here To Register
I’m holding this special sale as a way to say THANK YOU to all the people around the world who have joined my programs.
Here’s where you can grab your special price:
Register for this bundle and get these SEVEN Additional Benefits:
* Bonus 1: You will experience this – get immediate results (with Dr. Yuen) – that assist everyone in his or her own recovery.
These Tele-Courses will feature 8 sessions each with Dr. Yuen Speaking (60 min. each).
* Bonus 2: LIVE Question and Answers from Dr. Yuen.
These calls will be Live and you will be able to submit your questions to Dr. Yuen before each call.
* Bonus 3: All Sessions Are Recorded and Placed in Your Private Membership Area.
All Sessions are recorded and placed for you to watch and refer back to in your membership area. You can access these recordings 24 hours a day.
* Bonus 4: You will receive 3 credits toward becoming a Yuen Method Certified Consultant.
* Bonus 5: These Tele-Courses also include: FREE Yuen Method Diagram Charts!
* Bonus 6: ALL NEW – Yuen Method Geometric Charts to ENSURE RESULTS (One For Each Course)
* Bonus 7: FREE Yuen Method Fundamentals Course!
WHEW! That’s a lot of goodies… and you get it all AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE when you try our entire system.
Go here right now and register for the Combo Discount:
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Latest New Approach!
Internal Strength = Success
New Specialty Tele-Course!
Experience How to Identify, Strengthen and Delete the True Reasons,
Causes, and Sources of the Daily Effects of Stress and Anxiety,
and Automatically Attract Infinite Wealth With Ease.
[Click Here for All Course Details]
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Delete Weight and Rejuvenate On The Spot
New Specialty Tele-Course!
Fitness in Mindlessness ~ Fitness in Body ~ Fitness in Spirit
Your mind and spirit needs to be put in their place … the place where they work FOR YOU and NOT AGAINST YOU.
Your feelings need refining … your perception will be enhanced,
you will experience weightlessness, rejuvenation,
and vitality like you have never before experienced.
[Click Here for All Course Details]
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Unconditional Love and Sexual Neutrality
New Specialty Tele-Course!
Experience How To Love Unconditionally ~ Become Neutral to Urges & Distractions!
Unconditional Love and Sexual Neutrality – reveals the Yuen Method
approach to the most misunderstood area in love, marriage
and divorce today, painful breakups, resolution and prevention.
[Click Here for All Course Details]
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Upon completing all three Tele-Courses, you will receive three credentials toward certification in becoming a Yuen Method Certified Consultant.
Tele-Course Format:
- This Tele-Course will feature 8 UNIQUE (one of a kind) EXPERIENCES with Dr. Yuen reinforcing and strengthening you to all of your physical intelligence experiences (60 min. each).
- Tuesdays are LIVE Sessions with Dr. Yuen where you will experience and be directed how to activate the Yuen Method Protocol! After each Tuesday’s LIVE call, you will be able to submit your question each week to Dr. Yuen (about the material covered) for the following Thursday’s Q&A call (in the membership area) – 24/7 access to all lessons – Tuesday sessions are stream only.
- Thursdays will consist of a LIVE Tele-Seminar Q & A conference call with Dr. Yuen to answer your questions.
- Upon enrolling, you receive access to the Yuen Method Membership Area where you will retrieve your weekly call-in information.
- Please note: Hundreds of students across the world participate in each Tele-Course program. This means Dr. Yuen will specifically answer as many relevant questions/requests/problems verbally and non-verbally each week as time allots. But rest assured, this specially designed and structured program by Dr. Yuen provides him with the opportunity to pinpoint your exact UNKNOWN weaknesses and rapidly strengthen them in relation to your unanswered questions and unresolved problems. Questions and problems, which you have been unable to answer or resolve for yourself and others will be deleted so you can be in charge, gain expertise and on your way to achieving mastery.
How this Program Benefits Both Yourself and Others:
The focus of Dr. Yuen’s Tele-Courses is for you, through both experiencing the strengthening effects of Dr. Yuen and by observing his step-by-step process, to learn how to do the same for yourself, for your family, and for your friends! So even if you are not experiencing any problems yourself, we encourage you to enroll in this Program.
The immediate improvement you experience, coupled with the priceless information you receive, will provide both observable and immeasurable benefits to those around you. This means you will improve the lives of others by being improved yourself, by capturing the knowledge of how to do so, and by honing your insight, intuition, and instinct in the process.
Are you ready to take your life to the next level?
Then get ready for the all new Yuen Method Tele-Courses!
Regular Price: $1,500
Tele-Courses (All 3) Bundle Price: $1,000 (SAVE $500)
Tele-Courses Bundle Price – Click Here to Register
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”autopx” height=”” background_color=”#ffc0cb” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]
Save Even More! Ultimate Module Training Package
Regular Price: $2,500
All 6 Bundle Price: $1,500 (SAVE $1000):
(6 Course Package) Three LIVE Tele-Courses + Three Training Modules 4-5-6
Relationships/Less-Aging/Finances Career and Life Purpose
SIX Tele-Courses Bundle Price – Click Here to Register
Click Here for All Course Details – Training Modules 4-5-6