New Mental Protocol

April 3, 2015 Dr. Kam Yuen DC

Mental Questions, Problems, Disorders, Illnesses,
and Dysfunctions Are All Linked Together.

These are five elements coming together forming a pentagon.  When this pentagon is weakened, there will always be a mental imbalance, lack of centered-ness and instability, insufficient neutrality, and excessive relaxation.



The Three Mental Misinterpretations:

  • First, is having a pentagon weakness without elemental weaknesses
  • Second, is having a pentagon weakness with most likely with one and more elemental weaknesses
  • Third, is having no pentagon weaknesses, only elemental weaknesses.

The Three Most Important Steps:

  • Strengthen is essentially turning “on” your internal computer.
  • Locating your “delete” key is the second strengthening step.
  • Reset/program your internal computers for balance, center, stability, neutrality and tension.

Join Dr. Yuen’s NEW Yuen Method Psychology ( Training Module 8), and Experience How To Strengthen and Delete Mental Illness and Disorders On The Spot! 

Dr. Yuen will direct you to strengthen yourself to use the operating system of the simple Yuen Method process.

Be Part of the Groundbreaking Yuen Method …    

Experience Dr. Yuen’s latest updates to speed up the
process of finding all the causes, reasons, and sources
of stress and mental illness and achieve impeccable results.


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”autopx” height=”” background_color=”#20cb08″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Click here to Register for Training Module 8 (Starts – April 21, 2015)[/dropshadowbox]
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”autopx” height=”” background_color=”#20cb08″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Click here to Register for All Three Training Modules Comb 7,8,9[/dropshadowbox]