Dr. Yuen was amazed that so many of you enthusiastically embraced and became elite members of his new and innovative synergetic club for deleting pain and stress.
One of Dr. Yuen’s most frequently asked questions is:
“Why do my pain or life problems KEEP COMING BACK?”
More importantly, the question you should be asking is:
“How do I stay STRONGLY NEUTRAL on a DAILY BASIS so that I am ABOVE IT ALL?”
This is the solution we all need, want, and desire!
So why haven’t you yet achieved being in this extraordinary position that so few people ever attain?
THE PROBLEM that all of us face is that we are troubled, bothered, annoyed, triggered and upset by outside influences that come up on a daily basis. We don’t know HOW NOT to let these affect us, and consciously we are blind as to why we are affected negatively by them in the first place! We hold onto reactions, sensations, and triggers for far too LONG! This leads to major health problems and further issues.
THE SOLUTION is how fast we can strengthen and delete these negative effects. Remember, it is important for you to stay STRONGLY NEUTRAL on a CONSISTENT and ONGOING BASIS.
This is not something you can master without support. Joining Dr. Yuen for each and every monthly Tele-call will provide you with the advantage of receiving strengthening and deletions on a permanent basis. This continuity, along with the invaluable opportunity of linking directly to Dr. Yuen’s energy field is the key that will unlock the door to remaining strongly neutral so you can live a life where you are ABOVE IT ALL!
Allow yourself to move forward into a future with no weaknesses.
Total Life Triad: Six levels, Daily Routine, Basic Life Supports
Six Levels: This refers to the six levels of consciousness: physical, mental, emotional, psychological, psychic and spiritual. Any problem you face will be on one or more of these levels.
Dr. Yuen’s club will keep you strong on all 6 LEVELS:
- Physical Level: Physical level refers to external body parts, internal structures and organs and biological and biochemical systems. Also, your physical surroundings, other people, and other life forms.
- Mental Level: Mental level includes the mind and its conceptual processes.
- Emotional Level: Emotional level includes positive and negative emotions.
- Psychological Level: Psychological level is a combination of the mental and the emotional in a way in a way that is indicative of a deeper level of patterning and a loss of emotional control.
- Psychic Level: Psychic level includes influences from surrounding energies in the universe.
- Spiritual Level: The spiritual level includes karma, and the non-conscious mind.
Dr. Yuen’s club will keep your DAILY ROUTINE strong
Daily Routine: What you do on a daily basis
Dr. Yuen’s club will keep your
Leading Life Supports: These include health, fitness/body reduction, less aging/rejuvenation, money/finances/abundance, relationships/sex, and time/achievement/purpose/fulfillment
This triad brings together (1) the major areas in which you can have a problem, the Leading Life Supports, (2) the various levels to which the problem can be linked, the Six Levels and finally (3) your life on an everyday basis, Daily Routine. Being strong to this triad ensures that as you go through each day, it won’t be necessary for you to constantly strengthen and delete. If you are actively applying the YUEN METHOD, Dr. Yuen recommends that once you are acclimated to the using the method and have some experience and confidence under your belt that each day you find either your three weakest areas and STRENGTHEN them (as a triad is a good but not mandatory option) or your leading five weaknesses and STRENGHTEN them (as a pentagon is a good but not mandatory option).
- Strengthen all three elements of the triad: Leading Life Supports, Six Levels and Daily Routine
- Strengthen the triad’s three elements to be strong for integrating and acting as a whole
- Strengthen the triad’s three elements to be strong in separating and acting independently
- Strengthen the internal dynamic of the triad and the boundaries to remain strong
- Strengthen and delete your triggers so that you make quick choices that strengthen your future.
Some of you had questions regarding the synergetic effect.
In last week’s email on the subject we pointed out that Dr. Yuen’s GROUP DELETIONS can be far more effective and powerful than individual ones due to this synergetic effect.
Synergy is the interaction of elements, which when combined produces a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements, contributions, etc.
Simply put synergy is when 1+1=3
In group deletions, the final strengthening effect and the degree of deletion are greater than the sum of the participating individuals’ effects or enhancements combined. Each individual in the group is far more likely to achieve a deletion down to zero minus infinity and up to 100 percent infinite potential and to be able to maintain the strength of that deletion permanently because he or she was part of the group rather than being dealt with on an individual basis.
There is still time to join this extraordinary club allowing you to continue your evolutionary experiences, providing you with outstanding growth and affording you the opportunity to raise the bar for you and the rest of humanity.
Enjoy The Advantage of the Synergetic Effect of Group Strengthening and Deletions– expand your view of what works and of what is possible.