Sports Injuries Clinic Extended
All Sports Injuries Can Be Quickly Resolved
Resolving injuries will continue on a consistent weekly basis.
If you have missed the opportunity to attend the previous event, you still can enroll when this new clinic starts.
Recoveries can be accomplished without touch and verbalization.
Recoveries all can be accomplished by PROXY.
No need to travel -All can be done by phone and Skype
No treating, curing, and healing
Not in conflict with your physical therapists and doctors
All of us can repeat this process and achieve immediate results.
It does require some apprenticeship experiences.
This is what you will directly receive in this Clinic/Mentoring program.
Watch how the LA Dodgers and retired NFL Players
have all their injuries resolved immediately recorded LIVE.
Resolving Injuries for All Sports’ (videos) Acute or Chronic
-LA Dodgers Dave Roberts (present manager of LA Dodgers) speaks about his experiences of the Yuen Method
-Dr Kam Yuen in Dodger Stadium with Maury Wills
Testimony from Professional Tennis