Featured Posts Spanish, Yuen Post 01 May 2023 Aquí está tu oportunidad directa… para experimentar de primera mano si los principios de Qigong/Feng Shui y quiropráctica del Dr. Yuen pueden resolver sus problemas… J Worrall
Featured Posts English, Yuen Post 01 May 2023 Here is your direct opportunity… to experience firsthand whether Dr. Yuen’s Qigong/Feng Shui and Chiropractic principles can resolve your unresolvable health, relationships, and financial issues. J Worrall
Featured Posts Spanish, Yuen Post 28 Apr 2023 El protocolo Qigong/Feng Shui puede cambiarte a ti y al resto de la sociedad Cuando vaciamos nuestra mente, iluminamos nuestro espíritu y activamos la computadora interna de nuestro sistema nervioso central... J Worrall
Featured Posts English, Yuen Post 28 Apr 2023 Qigong/Feng Shui protocol can change you and the rest of society When we empty our mind, enlighten our spirit, and activate our central nervous system’s internal computer... J Worrall
Español, Events, Featured Posts Spanish, Yuen Post 22 Mar 2023 El Método Yuen y el Dr. Kam Yuen, DC, quieren hacer justicia para todos en el mundo. Hacer justicia significa que todos en el mundo se den cuenta de que el Podcast de Qigong y Feng Shui… J Worrall
Events, Featured Posts English, Yuen Post 22 Mar 2023 Yuen Method and Dr. Kam Yuen, DC, want to do justice for everyone in the world. To do justice is for everyone in the world to realize that the Yuen Method Qigong and Feng Shui Podcast… J Worrall