If you can’t define what is most crucial to yourself, family and friends or even coworkers and classmates, you will have severe difficulties in moving ahead with your life. The continual realignment and progress you want in your life should be by your own design rather than by accident, luck or miraculous conception. Refuse to be included in the majority who allow experts to lead them or push them from behind.
The required leading three effects of your life and for the rest or the collective humanity life are:
- Less Aging/Time
- Relationships with everything in your inner and out universe
- Money/Finances – You are submerged and surrounded by money/finances in the world. It is time you know how to extend your arms and hands effortlessly to claim and receive abundance by your own expertise.
Each of the THREE mentioned above has its own unique singular and interacting energy with the other two. These THREE are the paramount leading energies that will support and direct your life to establish you as the true expert and leader in whatever you do in your future.
Start with these three leading effects and synergistically integrate them to produce the geometric and not just linear improvements for your life.
You will advance and improve your own life dramatically when you receive impeccable direction and the strengthened effect mentioned above frequently. This is another of the priceless gems Dr. Yuen will continue to bring to your attention via your computer screen to direct you to take charge, become the expert and achieve mastery of your life.
Today I am interested in discussing with you the area of Less Aging/Time in a little more detail and how it will be approached in the upcoming module.
With specific regard to “Ageless,” the intention goes far beyond today’s emphasis on maintaining the look of youthfulness for the sake of vanity. Ageless inherently implies that you maintain what you initially were given at the beginning of your life and the genesis of your creation.
For those who believe it is about either revering divine gifts or gratitude, it is both an affront and grievous that some of us feel we must be “considerate” enough to maintain what we were given.
Personally, I embrace maintaining what we were given as being part of our infinite potential. I am not advocating sustaining longevity at all cost. However, it is possible for you and everyone you know to have increased longevity that includes the quality of life you deserve.
You will resonate, receive and benefit more of your physical potential when the needed energies are transmitted to you on a constant basis with the assistance of Dr. Yuen.
Living longer is not the only problem related to time. I know that the demands of today’s society with its hassles, deadlines and demands leaves many of you feeling frazzled or overwhelmed with all you have to do. The only answer experts are providing is time management, and as I have pointed out on many occasions, I have a great distaste for the term management, as it offers no complete or lasting resolution to any problem.
My preference is that none of you are caught up in the dilemma of perceiving a shortage of time, which unknowing places you in emergency mode so that your mind, body and even your spirit pay the price. The permanent resolution to this troubling aspect of time is achieving a state of calmness.
Although this particular state is considered to be one of the greatest achievements and benefits of long-term meditation, few actually attain it. With my direction, everyone participating in this upcoming module combo training courses will experience this life-changing state, and will be able to maintain it on a permanent basis.
The ultimate NEUTRALITY is in MASTERING all 3 areas in your life!
Do not allow your mind to sabotage your continuing life -changing progress!
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Dr. Yuen is the real deal in life. This is analogous to what Evander Holyfield, the former heavy-weight champion, used to say about his boxing prowess.