How Privileged We Are to Be Alive and to Have the Insight to
Maximize the Gift This Opportunity Affords
2016 will be a year that allows you to experience a UNIVERSAL SURGE in the insightfulness of intelligence that has evaded you and almost everyone for the last nineteen years and perhaps for the previous six thousand years. All that is required is that your internal computer be appropriately turned “on.”
You will be surrounded by NEW ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES from both your surrounding physical world and the infinite physical universe. This extra-infinite surge will not return for another 20 Years in this 20-year cycle that is noted by all traditional Feng Shui masters and numerologists.
Taking advantage of the upcoming Universal
Surge will give you the opening to manifest
This may sound audacious, UNIQUE, UNEXPECTED, NOTEWORTHY and even ASTONISHING and EXTRAORDINARY, but the effect of the coming year’s STRENGTH for the INSIGHTFULLNESS of INTELLIGENCE will result in a year unlike any other you have ever experienced; one that will be almost memorable year for you and for those who depend on you, in terms of dynamical changes in anything and everything you need, want and desire to do from this point forward, as well as for declaring your right to be independent.
UNIQUE: Utilize exclusively your physical intelligence, which has all the answers rather than relying on your mind’s intelligence, which only has questions without answers.
UNEXPECTED: The unexpectedwill never again cross your path because you will always have certainty without the uncertainties.
NOTEWORTHY: Everything and everyone will be evenly notable, striking, remarkable, important and significant.
ASTONISHING: After gaining new experience and directions from us, you will never be blindsided, surprised, shocked, bewildered, dumbfounded, flabbergasted, overwhelmed or dazed. You will be automatically neutral to resolve all your own, your family’s, your coworkers’ and your friends’ life serious and unserious problems quickly on the spot. Then you will change the world along with us.
EXTRAORDINARILY: What once seem extraordinarily will be ordinary and routine for you and the rest of the human race.
You and everyone can easily and realistically, take advantage of the beginning of this 20 years occurrence. Some of us have already activated our physical intelligence to receive this upgraded transmission from our earthy, worldly and universal intelligences. The transmission potentials are always presented. They are transmitted constantly all around us.
For those who are involved in this process already, this is the opportune year to strengthen your RECEPTIVITY of these transmissions to 100% infinite potential, to increase the amount of time you are able to remain in the mindless, spiritless and neutral state, and so on. Whether you’re a current or advanced student, a certified practitioner or instructor, join us in the upcoming Holiday and New Year Tele-Course and Tele-Clinic for a once in a twenty-year opportunity to dramatically amplify each and every one of your skills.
As you use STRENGTHENING/DELETIONS on yourself or others, achieving 100% infinite potential/zero percent minus infinity will be far easier and faster to attain. You will be more attuned to locating LEADING WEAKNESSES and their underlying causes, reasons and sources in the correct order. The stronger connection to your physical intelligence and to the Universal Mind will expand the depth, complexity and speed of the information you are able to download.
This is not to say that you must take part in the Tele-Course. Some of the PHENOMENAL 20 YEAR EFFECT will occur AUTOMATICALLY and enhance your skills that have been activated and are relied on in the Yuen Method Protocol. When YOU ADDITIONALLY continue to STRENGTHEN these areas YOURSELF, the IMPACT will be even GREATER.
However, as Dr. Yuen strengthens you once again, this time with both of you being equally affected by the INHERENT STRENGTH of the UNIVERSAL SURGE, the Holiday and New Years Tele-Course and Tele-Clinic presents the golden opportunity for you to operate at a level closer or equal to that of Dr. Yuen’s, who impeccably pulls weaknesses out of thin air, in rapid succession, as he functions beyond the speed of light. We encourage you to make the most of this opportunity.
For newcomers, all we must do is to turn “on” our internal and external computers to begin receiving these transmissions from the various intelligences in the Universe. Your computers are your brain[s] physical innate intelligence. Are your receivers strongly turned “on” to automatically receive all the infinite physical potentials you and I were meant to receive, enabling you to resolve problems on the spot? These receivers must be continuously turned “on” to these infinite benefits. Do you need, want and desire additional assistance to turn them “on” If your answer is yes, join us in our upcoming Holiday and New Year Tele-Course and Tele-Clinic.
Does this mean that peace can overshadow war? Yes it does! This happens when you start with the deletion of your own internal wars that you have suppressed. You can then extend these deletions to your family, co-workers, friends and the rest of the world.
Does it mean that mankind will suddenly be elevated to a new level of consciousness, where atrocities will cease/decrease rather than increasing or where hunger will be ended? This is a resounding no and yes!
“No” applies to the elevating levels of consciousness. When you delete the misinterpretation of “mindful” consciousness, there is the need for higher levels of such consciousness. “Yes” applies to the following. The beginning and continuation of human atrocities is the result of the depending on the mind for truth and the spirit for elevation in lieu of relying on the neutrality of “brain-fullness,” meaning no judgment, criticism, blaming and/or complaining.
Your hunger and humanity’s hunger will cease when you no longer are seeking mindfulness and mental development.
Now you are being transmitted the unparalleled opportunity that only occurs every 20 years. You can direct your insight and your insight will direct you to achieve everything you want.
All that remains is, are you receiving the proper transmitted information:
- To direct yourself to be stronger than your sickness, illness, disease and injury?
- For all your physical and nonphysical traumas, illnesses limitations, phobias/fears and karmas as well as those of your family, co-workers and friends to be deleted and gone?
- For all your questions and problems of health, fitness, relationships, money/finance, purpose/career, less aging and mastery of time to be answered and resolved by you along with your chosen experts?
All that is needed is some simple prompts from us through the Yuen Method. The Yuen Method actually means the final resolution. The final resolution that instills:
1. The Science of Immediate Results
2. The Science of Happiness
3. The Science of Prosperity
4. The Sciences of Physio-psychology
5. The Science of Innate Intelligence
6. The Science of Engineering and Technology
These PHENOMENAL EFFECTS will occur AUTOMATICALLY as you are activated and your internal computer brain[s] turned “on”.
When YOU continue to process your life with your internal computers, you will never look back to your previous life experiences of uncertainty and disconcerting emotions that give you only the illusion of intelligence.
To sum it up, this is your once in a 20 year opportunity for your internal computer operating systems to resonate with Dr. Yuan’s, whose approach functions beyond the speed of light in answering your unanswered questions and in resolving your perpetual problems that have slowed you and the human race down. Humanity has been erroneously urged to choose more ways of slowing down. It is time to speed up everything within you so everything “outside” of you will seem to and actually become slower than you!
In the upcoming Holiday and New Year’s Tele-Course and Tele-Clinic, Dr. Yuen will STRENGTHEN EVERYTHING required in the Yuen Method, especially:
You Will Immediately Compare Your Improvements,
Experience the Differences and
Acknowledge the Results for Yourself
There Will Be One Difference.
Because Of the New Cycle’s Influence,
The Results Will Be Nothing Short Of EXPONENTIAL!
Register Now!
With this activation, you will have impeccable insight that will direct you to take full advantage of and maximize the upcoming New Cycle of Prosperity and GOAL ACHIEVEMENT in 2016.
This Is Your Year – 2016!
It Won’t Be Coming Around Again
For Another 20 years.
Start It Off With the Bang You Deserve!
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LIVE! December/January 2016
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